The Many Valid Transit Fares in Toronto

The Toronto Transit Commission is quite unique in many ways – it operates solid overnight service (including – theoretically – sub-10 minute frequencies on some bus and streetcar routes, which most North American cities can’t …

Hosting SCAG Executive Director Kome Ajise

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the Institute of Transportation Engineers at USC (USC ITE) and the METRANS Transportation Research Consortium co-hosted Mr. Kome Ajise, Executive Director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), for …

2023 ITE Annual Meeting in Portland

I’m grateful to receive one of two Student Travel Scholarships from the ITE Western District. This scholarship helped fund my travel to the combined ITE Western District and International annual meetings in Portland, Oregon, in …

Touring the Port of San Diego and SANDAG

Foreword: This is a longer version of my press release which was published on the website of METRANS, a transportation research partnership between the University of Southern California, California State University Long Beach, the US …


Foreword: This is a brief blurb I drafted and published for the University of Southern California’s Institute of Transportation Engineers chapter (USC ITE / ITE USC). We toured the Los Angeles Department of Transportation’s (LADOT) …